USA Wrestling Long Range Planning Committee

The Long-Range Planning Committee shall formulate and recommend to the Board of Directors long-term goals, policies, and programs by which the corporation may achieve its mission and objectives. The committee is responsible for annually reviewing, updating, and developing the strategic plan for approval by the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.

(a)    Members of the Committee shall include the Immediate Past President, the Treasurer, one (1) representative selected by the Junior Olympic Wrestling Committee, three (3) athletes  per Subsection 7.1.8, and three (3) others elected by the Board, for a total of nine (9).

Long-Range Plan


Bruce Baumgartner, PA - Ad-Hoc
Richard Bender, CO - Staff Liaison
Robert Cate, NV - Elected
BJ Futrell, IL - Athlete
Heather Lawrence, OH - Elected
Wynn Michalak, NC - Athlete
James Ravannack, LA - Past President
Don Reynolds, IL - JOWC
Katherine Shai, CO - Athlete
Patrick Smith, MN - Elected
Van Stokes, TN - Elected